Earlier this April, The Sak team celebrated the launch of The Sak Collective at Dillard’s Grand Opening of the Mall at Green Hills in Nashville, TN with an in-store appearance by NYC crochet artist, London Kaye!
Earlier this April, The Sak team celebrated the launch of The Sak Collective at Dillard’s Grand Opening of the Mall at Green Hills in Nashville, TN with an in-store appearance by NYC crochet artist, London Kaye!
During the 2-day event, London Kaye live crocheted a mural of the Nashville skyline with The Sak Collective handbag styles and gave away crochet key chain dangles to customers that spent $75 or more on The Sak, The Sak Collective or Sakroots product.
Look out for an upcoming DIY tutorial from London herself! She’ll be showing us how to make our own crochet keychains!